.. _Output: Output modules ============== DevNull ----------- Just discard messages send to this module. Configuration template: :: - output.DevNull ElasticSearch ----------------- Store the data dictionary in an elasticsearch index. The elasticsearch module takes care of discovering all nodes of the elasticsearch cluster. Requests will the be loadbalanced via round robin. | **action**: Either index or update. If update be sure to provide the correct doc_id. | **format**: Which event fields to send on, e.g. '$(@timestamp) - $(url) - $(country_code)'. | If not set the whole event dict is send. | **nodes**: Configures the elasticsearch nodes. | **read_timeout**: Set number of seconds to wait until requests to elasticsearch will time out. | **connection_type**: One of: 'thrift', 'http'. | **http_auth**: 'user:password'. | **use_ssl**: One of: True, False. | **index_name**: Sets the index name. Timepatterns like %Y.%m.%d and dynamic values like $(bar) are allowed here. | **doc_id**: Sets the es document id for the committed event data. | routing: Sets a routing value (@see: http://www.elasticsearch.org/blog/customizing-your-document-routing/) | Timepatterns like %Y.%m.%d are allowed here. | **ttl**: When set, documents will be automatically deleted after ttl expired. | Can either set time in milliseconds or elasticsearch date format, e.g.: 1d, 15m etc. | This feature needs to be enabled for the index. | @See: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/mapping-ttl-field.html | **sniff_on_start**: The client can be configured to inspect the cluster state to get a list of nodes upon startup. | Might cause problems on hosts with multiple interfaces. If connections fail, try to deactivate this. | **sniff_on_connection_fail**: The client can be configured to inspect the cluster state to get a list of nodes upon failure. | Might cause problems on hosts with multiple interfaces. If connections fail, try to deactivate this. | **store_interval_in_secs**: Send data to es in x seconds intervals. | **batch_size**: Sending data to es if event count is above, even if store_interval_in_secs is not reached. | **backlog_size**: Maximum count of events waiting for transmission. If backlog size is exceeded no new events will be processed. Configuration template: :: - output.ElasticSearch: action: # format: # nodes: # read_timeout: # connection_type: # http_auth: # use_ssl: # index_name: # doc_id: # routing: # ttl: # sniff_on_start: # sniff_on_connection_fail: # store_interval_in_secs: # batch_size: # backlog_size: # File -------- Store all received events in a file. | **file_name**: absolute path to filen. String my contain pythons strtime directives and event fields, e.g. %Y-%m-%d. | format: Which event fields to use in the logline, e.g. '$(@timestamp) - $(url) - $(country_code)' | **store_interval_in_secs**: sending data to es in x seconds intervals. | **batch_size**: sending data to es if event count is above, even if store_interval_in_secs is not reached. | **backlog_size**: maximum count of events waiting for transmission. Events above count will be dropped. | **compress**: Compress output as gzip or snappy file. For this to be effective, the chunk size should not be too small. Configuration template: :: - output.File: file_name: # format: # store_interval_in_secs: # batch_size: # backlog_size: # compress: # Graphite -------- Send metrics to graphite server. | **server**: Graphite server to connect to. | **port**: Port carbon-cache is listening on. | **formats**: Format of messages to send to graphite, e.g.: ['lumbermill.stats.event_rate_$(interval)s $(event_rate)']. | **store_interval_in_secs**: Send data to graphite in x seconds intervals. | **batch_size**: Send data to graphite if event count is above, even if store_interval_in_secs is not reached. | **backlog_size**: Send count of events waiting for transmission. Events above count will be dropped. Here a simple example to send http_status statistics to graphite: :: - output.Statistics: interval: 10 fields: ['http_status'] - output.Graphite: filter: if $(field_name) == "http_status" server: batch_size: 1 formats: ['lumbermill.stats.http_200_$(interval)s $(field_counts.200)', 'lumbermill.stats.http_400_$(interval)s $(field_counts.400)', 'lumbermill.stats.http_total_$(interval)s $(total_count)'] Configuration template: :: - output.Graphite: server: # port: # formats: # store_interval_in_secs: # batch_size: # backlog_size: # Kafka ----- Publish incoming events to kafka topic. | **topic**: Name of kafka topic to send data to. | **brokers**: Kafka brokers to connect to. | **key**: Key for compacted topics. | **format**: Which event fields to send on, e.g. '$(@timestamp) - $(url) - $(country_code)'. If not set, the whole event dict is send. Configuration template: :: - output.Kafka: topic: # brokers: # key: # format: # Logger ---------- Send data to lumbermill logger. formats: Format of messages to send to logger, e.g.: ['############# Statistics #############', 'Received events in $(interval)s: $(total_count)', 'EventType: httpd_access_log - Hits: $(field_counts.httpd_access_log)', 'EventType: Unknown - Hits: $(field_counts.Unknown)'] Configuration template: :: - output.Logger: formats: # MongoDb ----------- Store incoming events in a mongodb. | **host**: Mongodb server. | **database**: Mongodb database name. | **collection**: Mongodb collection name. Timepatterns like %Y.%m.%d and dynamic values like $(bar) are allowed here. | **optinonal_connection_params**: Other optional parameters as documented in https://api.mongodb.org/python/current/api/pymongo/mongo_client.html | **format**: Which event fields to send on, e.g. '$(@timestamp) - $(url) - $(country_code)'. | If not set the whole event dict is send. | **doc_id**: Sets the document id for the committed event data. | **store_interval_in_secs**: Send data to es in x seconds intervals. | **batch_size**: Sending data to es if event count is above, even if store_interval_in_secs is not reached. | **backlog_size**: Maximum count of events waiting for transmission. If backlog size is exceeded no new events will be processed. Configuration template: :: - output.MongoDb: host: # database: # collection: # optinonal_connection_params: # format: # doc_id: # store_interval_in_secs: # batch_size: # backlog_size: # RedisChannel ---------------- Publish incoming events to redis channel. | **channel**: Name of redis channel to send data to. | **server**: Redis server to connect to. | **port**: Port redis server is listening on. | **db**: Redis db. | **password**: Redis password. | **format**: Which event fields to send on, e.g. '$(@timestamp) - $(url) - $(country_code)'. If not set, the whole event dict is send. Configuration template: :: - output.RedisChannel: channel: # server: # port: # db: # password: # format: # RedisList ------------- Send events to a redis lists. | **list**: Name of redis list to send data to. | **server**: Redis server to connect to. | **port**: Port redis server is listening on. | **db**: Redis db. | **password**: Redis password. | **format**: Which event fields to send on, e.g. '$(@timestamp) - $(url) - $(country_code)'. If not set the whole event dict is send. | **store_interval_in_secs**: Send data to redis in x seconds intervals. | **batch_size**: Send data to redis if event count is above, even if store_interval_in_secs is not reached. | **backlog_size**: Maximum count of events waiting for transmission. Events above count will be dropped. Configuration template: :: - output.RedisList: list: # server: # port: # db: # password: # format: # store_interval_in_secs: # batch_size: # backlog_size: # SQS ------- Send messages to amazon sqs service. | **aws_access_key_id**: Your AWS id. | **aws_secret_access_key**: Your AWS password. | **region**: The region in which to find your sqs service. | **queue**: Queue name. | **format**: Which event fields to send on, e.g. '$(@timestamp) - $(url) - $(country_code)'. | If not set event.data will be send es MessageBody, all other fields will be send as MessageAttributes. | **store_interval_in_secs**: Send data to redis in x seconds intervals. | batch_size: Number of messages to collect before starting to send messages to sqs. This refers to the internal | receive buffer of this plugin. When the receive buffer is maxed out, this plugin will always send | the maximum of 10 messages in one send_message_batch call. | **backlog_size**: Maximum count of events waiting for transmission. Events above count will be dropped. values: ['us-east-1', 'us-west-1', 'us-west-2', 'eu-central-1', 'eu-west-1', 'ap-southeast-1', 'ap-southeast-2', 'ap-northeast-1', 'sa-east-1', 'us-gov-west-1', 'cn-north-1'] Configuration template: :: - output.SQS: aws_access_key_id: # aws_secret_access_key: # region: # queue: # format: # store_interval_in_secs: # batch_size: # backlog_size: # receivers: - NextModule StdOut ---------- Print the data dictionary to stdout. | **pretty_print**: Use pythons pprint function. | **fields**: Set event fields to include in pretty print output. | **format**: Format of messages to send to graphite, e.g.: ['lumbermill.stats.event_rate_$(interval)s $(event_rate)']. Configuration template: :: - output.StdOut: pretty_print: # fields: # format: # Syslog ---------- Send events to syslog. | **format**: Which event fields to send on, e.g. '$(@timestamp) - $(url) - $(country_code)'. If not set the whole event dict is send. | **address**: Either a server:port pattern or a filepath to a unix socket, e.g. /dev/log. | **proto**: Protocol to use. | facility: Syslog facility to use. List of possible values, @see: http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/stdlib/logging.handlers.SysLogHandler-class.html#facility_names Configuration template: :: - output.Syslog: format: # address: # proto: # facility: # Udp ----------- Send events to udp socket. | **address**: address:port | **format**: Which event fields to send on, e.g. '$(@timestamp) - $(url) - $(country_code)'. If not set the whole event dict is send. | **store_interval_in_secs**: Send data to redis in x seconds intervals. | **batch_size**: Send data to redis if event count is above, even if store_interval_in_secs is not reached. | **backlog_size**: Maximum count of events waiting for transmission. Events above count will be dropped. Configuration template: :: - output.Udp: address: # format: # store_interval_in_secs: # batch_size: # backlog_size: # WebHdfs ----------- Store events in hdfs via webhdfs. server: webhdfs/https node | **user**: Username for webhdfs. | **path**: Path to logfiles. String my contain any of pythons strtime directives. | **name_pattern**: Filename pattern. String my conatain pythons strtime directives and event fields. | **format**: Which event fields to send on, e.g. '$(@timestamp) - $(url) - $(country_code)'. If not set the whole event dict is send. | **store_interval_in_secs**: Send data to webhdfs in x seconds intervals. | **batch_size**: Send data to webhdfs if event count is above, even if store_interval_in_secs is not reached. | **backlog_size**: Maximum count of events waiting for transmission. Events above count will be dropped. | **compress**: Compress output as gzip file. For this to be effective, the chunk size should not be too small. Configuration template: :: - output.WebHdfs: server: # user: # path: # name_pattern: # format: # store_interval_in_secs: # batch_size: # backlog_size: # compress: # Zabbix ---------- Send events to zabbix. hostname: Hostname for which the metrics should be stored. fields: Event fields to send. field_prefix: Prefix to prepend to field names. For e.g. cpu_count field with default lumbermill_ prefix, the Zabbix key is lumbermill_cpu_count. timestamp_field: Field to provide timestamp. If not provided, current timestamp is used. agent_conf: Path to zabbix_agent configuration file. If set to True defaults to /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf. server: Address of zabbix server. If port differs from default it can be set by appending it, e.g. store_interval_in_secs: sending data to es in x seconds intervals. batch_size: sending data to es if event count is above, even if store_interval_in_secs is not reached. backlog_size: maximum count of events waiting for transmission. Events above count will be dropped. Configuration template: :: - output.Zabbix: hostname: # fields: # field_prefix: # timestamp_field: # agent_conf: # server: # store_interval_in_secs: # batch_size: # backlog_size: # Zmq ------- Sends events to zeromq. | **server**: Server to connect to. Pattern: hostname:port. | **pattern**: Either push or pub. | **mode**: Whether to run a server or client. If running as server, pool size is restricted to a single process. | **topic**: The channels topic. | **hwm**: Highwatermark for sending socket. | **format**: Which event fields to send on, e.g. '$(@timestamp) - $(url) - $(country_code)'. If not set the whole event dict is send msgpacked. | **store_interval_in_secs**: Send data to redis in x seconds intervals. | **batch_size**: Send data to redis if event count is above, even if store_interval_in_secs is not reached. | **backlog_size**: Maximum count of events waiting for transmission. Events above count will be dropped. Configuration template: :: - output.Zmq: server: # pattern: # mode: # topic: # hwm: # format: # store_interval_in_secs: # batch_size: # backlog_size: #